Friday, December 12, 2008

Final Reflections on Bangkok

1. The people here are super nice to the point of becoming servile.
2. Sometimes you can't tell if it's a man or a woman you're talking to.
3. Las Vegas has never seemed so tame to me. The streets are CRAWLING with prostitutes in certain sections here - you would think it was legal. Nearly every other couple you see is a white guy in his 60s with a Thai prostitute in her 20s. Walking down Soi Cowboy last night, I was groped by many a working lady. At first you really want to judge these johns, then you think, "Well, it's two consenting adults - let them have their fun." Then you see the guy's wedding band and you're back to judging. We got a good tip from my parents not to check out any live shows.
4. Even the bad food is good.


1 comment:

R8chel said...

I remember leaving Thailand with a hate for white men because of all the prostitution. Oh and if you can't tell if it's a man or woman just look at the hands and feet, it was always a dead give away :)